My father, originally from La Maddalena, moved to Santa Teresa in 1969. Being a very sociable person and a lover of playing cards, he soon became a frequent visitor to the bars in the village where people were most used to playing. Gifted with an excellent memory, he distinguished himself for being a good player and for the dialect he spoke, different from Gallurese. He used to point out to his companions the cards in the hands of his opponents and, when pointing out who had the ace, he would say 'quiddu g'ha l'asso', (he has the ace). In a small town it is very easy to earn a nickname, and in those years it was even easier. In a short time for everyone he became Gianni Galasso, or simply Gallasso. In 2011, when we turned our house into a b&b, we decided to call it by my father's nickname, because that is how our family is known.